Spicy Green Beans

Culinary Adventure: Cheesy Dak Galbi and the United Noodles Experience

April 20, 20247 min read


Seoul, 2013. The city is buzzing, the lights are blinding, and a bunch of us—Navy and Army folks with appetites as big as our boots—are about to dive headfirst into the glorious pit of deliciousness known as Cheesy Dak Galbi. Yes, my friends, this is the story of how I found my one true love in a sizzling hot skillet right in the heart of Korea.

Dak Galbi

There we were, a motley crew of military personnel with a mission to explore every corner of Seoul’s culinary landscape. And let me tell you, the landscape was as spicy as our sergeant on a bad day. We had heard whispers of a dish so indulgent, so dripping with cheese, that it made grown men weep with joy. It was the legendary Cheesy Dak Galbi, and it was calling our names.

Cheesy Dak Galbi is not for the faint-hearted. Imagine succulent pieces of chicken marinated in a fiery, sweet-spicy sauce, stir-fried with veggies, rice cakes, and—wait for it—a monstrous amount of melted cheese. It’s like someone took all the good things in the world, threw them into a pan, and decided, “Let’s add more cheese.”

As we sat around the hot plate, the cheese was bubbling, the chicken was sizzling, and our mouths were watering uncontrollably. The first bite was a revelation—spicy, sweet, and cheesy in all the right ways. It was like attending a rock concert in your mouth where the headliners were cheese and chicken, and boy, did they put on a show.

Pairing this cheesy miracle with an ice-cold beer was like finding the missing piece of your soul. The beer cut through the richness like a knife through butter—or in this case, a spoon through cheese. It was the ultimate comfort food, the kind you dream about when you’re stuck eating MREs.

The scene was pure bliss: cheese stretching from the pan to our plates, laughter echoing through the restaurant, and a camaraderie that only cheesy, spicy chicken can build. We were a bunch of tough guys and gals, brought to our knees by the power of Dak Galbi.

Calling Cheesy Dak Galbi "college food" might give you the impression of ramen packets and instant noodles, but this dish is college food with a PhD in Deliciousness. It’s the meal you splurge on when the semester’s done, or when you just need to feel alive again after finals.

So, if you ever find yourself wandering the streets of Seoul, do yourself a favor: gather your friends, find a Dak Galbi restaurant, and order up a storm. It’s more than just a meal; it’s an experience—one that you’ll relish long after your tour in Korea is over.And as for me, I left a piece of my heart in that skillet of Cheesy Dak Galbi back in 2013. Seoul, you had me at “cheese.”

Dak Galbi

Top Tips for Mastering Dak Galbi with United Noodles’ Ingredients 👊

Fellow flavor seekers, ready to share the secrets to nailing Dak Galbi, the beloved Korean stir-fry that's all about heat, sweetness, and communal joy. United Noodles is our flavor-filled armory, and here's how you conquer the dish:

1. Choose the Right Chicken:

Your Dak Galbi is only as good as your chicken. Opt for thigh meat — it's juicier and more flavorful than breast and stands up well to the robust cooking process. United Noodles has you covered with quality choices.

2. The Marinade: A Flavor Symphony:

Dak Galbi's heart lies in its marinade. Gochujang for heat, soy sauce for umami, garlic for punch, sugar for sweetness, and a hint of ginger for zing. These aren't just ingredients; they're the orchestra, and you're the conductor.

3. Gochugaru: The Spice of Life:

Don't shy away from the gochugaru (Korean red pepper flakes). Dak Galbi is meant to be spicy. Embrace the heat; it's what makes the dish dance.

4. Veggie Variety:

Cabbage, sweet potatoes, and carrots are traditional, but don't be afraid to mix it up. Perilla leaves add a unique herby note, and onions can bring a sweet balance. The more, the merrier.

5. The Art of Stir-Fry:

Use a large pan or wok and keep things moving. You want each piece of chicken and every veggie to be coated in that glorious sauce, caramelizing slightly as it cooks. This isn't just cooking; it's a performance.

6. Rice Cakes for the Win:

Tteok (Korean rice cakes) isn't just filler; they add a delightful chewiness to the dish. If you find them at United Noodles, don't think twice. Soak them a bit before tossing them in.

7. Cheese? Yes, Please:

It might sound unorthodox, but a sprinkle of mozzarella or cheddar melted into the mix can add a gooey, creamy dimension that's surprisingly perfect.

8. Let it Sizzle:

Dak Galbi is traditionally cooked at the table. If you can, use a portable burner to let everyone enjoy the sizzle and share the cooking. It turns a meal into an experience.

9. The Finishing Touches:

A sprinkle of chopped green onions and a dash of sesame seeds can add color and a burst of flavor. It's the final flourish your masterpiece deserves.

10. Savor the Experience:

Remember, Dak Galbi is more than just a dish; it's a communal feast. It's about gathering, sharing, and diving into a whirlwind of flavors together.

Armed with these tips and the best ingredients from United Noodles, you're ready to tackle Dak Galbi like a pro. Get ready for a meal that's as fun to cook as it is to eat.

Dak Galbi

Dak Galbi Recipe
with United Noodles’ Recommended Brands

Join us on a fiery foray into Cheesy Dak Galbi, the Korean spicy chicken stir-fry. United Noodles has all the authentic ingredients for this delectable dish, which melds tender chicken with a vibrant, spicy sauce and hearty vegetables, promising a delicious, communal culinary adventure.


  • 1.5 lbs chicken thighs, cut into bite-sized pieces

  • 1/2 cup gochujang (Korean chili paste)

  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce

  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil

  • 3 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger

  • 1 tablespoon sugar

  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper

  • 200 grams tteok (Korean rice cakes), soaked in warm water if hardened

  • 1 large onion, sliced

  • 1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces

  • 1 carrot, sliced

  • 1 cup shredded cabbage

  • 1 bell pepper, sliced

  • 2 scallions, chopped

  • 200 grams shredded mozzarella cheese

  • Oil for cooking

  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (Butcher Boy Vegetable Oil 48oz)



  1. Marinate the Chicken: In a large bowl, mix together all the marinade ingredients. Add the chicken pieces to the marinade, making sure they're well coated. Cover and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, preferably longer.

  2. Prepare Vegetables: While the chicken is marinating, prepare the cabbage, carrot, sweet potato, onion, and perilla leaves. Keep them ready.

  3. Cook the Chicken: Heat the vegetable oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add the marinated chicken and cook until it starts to brown, about 5-7 minutes.

  4. Add Vegetables: Add the sweet potato first as it takes the longest to cook. After 5 minutes, add the rest of the vegetables and the soaked rice cakes, if using. Stir well to combine.

  5. Stir-Fry: Continue to stir-fry the mixture, making sure everything is coated with the marinade and the chicken is cooked through, about 10-15 minutes. The vegetables should be tender but still a bit crisp.

  6. Add the Cheese: Sprinkle the shredded mozzarella cheese evenly over the top of the dish. Cover the pan with a lid or aluminum foil and let it cook for a few minutes until the cheese is completely melted and bubbly.

  7. Garnish and Serve: Once everything is cooked, transfer to a serving dish. Garnish with chopped green onions and sesame seeds. Serve hot.

  8. Enjoy: Dak Galbi is typically eaten straight from the pan. Wrap the chicken and vegetables in lettuce leaves or enjoy as is with some steamed rice.


  • Adjust the level of gochujang and gochugaru to control the spiciness according to your preference.

  • Soaking the rice cakes beforehand prevents them from being too chewy or hard.

  • Dak Galbi is best enjoyed immediately while it's hot and the vegetables are still crisp.

Check out some other of our favorite recipe variants:

  1. Cheese Dakgalbi - Kitchen (Mis)Adventures

  2. That Cute Dish: Korean Spicy Chicken Stir-Fry (Spicy & ADDICTING!)

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