Katsu Curry

Katsu Curry Chronicles: A Culinary Odyssey at United Noodles

March 04, 20247 min read

Katsu Curry

There's something profoundly satisfying about a dish that combines the crunch of perfectly fried meat with the warm, spiced embrace of curry. Katsu Curry, a beloved Japanese comfort food, does just this. It's where the East meets West, a culinary handshake between a breaded, fried cutlet and a rich, mildly sweet curry sauce. Today, we're embarking on a journey to create this iconic dish, and there's no better place to start than the aisles of United Noodles.

Katsu Curry

The Quest for Ingredients

For our Katsu Curry, the list is straightforward yet essential: panko breadcrumbs for that perfect crunch, pork or chicken cutlets for the meaty canvas, and, of course, the heart and soul of the dish — the curry roux, a blend of spices and flavors that can make or break your curry experience. All of these are available at United Noodles!

The Art of Katsu

Making Katsu is an exercise in patience and precision. The meat must be tenderized to the perfect thickness, a uniform canvas for the crispy coat it's about to receive. Dredged in flour, dipped in egg, and coated in panko, the cutlet then takes a dive into hot oil, emerging golden and crisp, a testament to the magic of frying.

Crafting the Curry

While Katsu is Japanese, the curry speaks a global language. Originating from Indian spices brought over by the British, the Japanese have made it their own — milder, thicker, and sweeter. United Noodles provides the curry roux blocks, a shortcut to consistency and flavor. Simmered with onions, carrots, and potatoes, it becomes a thick, velvety sauce, each spoonful a warm hug for your palate.

The Final Assemblage

The moment of truth arrives as the dish comes together. A bed of fluffy rice lays the foundation, a neutral base for the bold flavors about to come. The cutlet, sliced into bite-sized strips, is arranged next, its crispy exterior giving way to tender meat. And then, the curry is poured over, cascading down the sides, filling the plate with its aromatic, spiced warmth.

Why It Works

Katsu Curry is a love story between textures and flavors. The crunch of the katsu is a delightful contrast to the smooth, comforting curry. It's a dish that doesn't just feed the body; it soothes the soul. And with each ingredient carefully selected from the treasure trove that is United Noodles, you're not just cooking; you're creating a culinary masterpiece.

In Conclusion

Katsu Curry isn't just food; it's an experience. And in the heart of United Noodles, with every spice and every breadcrumb, you're not just shopping; you're embarking on a culinary adventure. So grab your basket, your curiosity, and your appetite, and dive into the delicious world of Katsu Curry! Your taste buds will thank you.

Top Tips for Mastering Katsu Curry with United Noodles' Ingredients 👊

Navigating the delicious complexities of Katsu Curry is an adventure, and when you're arming yourself with ingredients from United Noodles, you're already halfway to creating something extraordinary. Here are my top tips for making a Katsu Curry that sings with flavor and crunch.

1. The Right Cutlet is Key: Choose pork or chicken, but make sure it's of good quality. Tenderize it to an even thickness for perfect cooking. You want that meat tender enough to surrender to a mere fork's nudge.

2. Panko is Your Best Friend: Don't skimp on the breadcrumbs. Panko is the secret to that quintessential Katsu crunch. It's lighter and airier than regular breadcrumbs, giving you that perfect, crispy exterior.

3. Fry with Finesse: Your oil should be hot, but not smoking. A consistent medium-high heat ensures your Katsu is golden and cooked evenly without burning. Patience here is your ally.

4. Curry Roux - The Heartbeat of Your Dish: United Noodles will have a variety of curry roux blocks. Choose one that suits your heat preference. This little block is a powerhouse of flavor, so respect it.

5. The Vegetables Matter: Onions, carrots, and potatoes are traditional, but feel free to get creative. Just remember to cut them uniformly for even cooking and to ensure each bite is a harmonious blend of curry and veg.

6. Balance Your Flavors: Japanese curry is known for its mild sweetness. If your curry is too intense, a little honey or a grated apple can bring it back into balance. Taste and adjust — the curry should be a warm, spiced embrace, not an assault.

7. Rice, the Unsung Hero: A good Katsu Curry is nothing without the bed of fluffy, short-grain rice it sits on. Rinse your rice until the water runs clear, and cook it to sticky perfection.

8. Assembly is an Art: Slice your Katsu into strips, but don't lose that crunch. Lay it gently over your rice and then ladle the curry on the side. It's not just a meal; it's a masterpiece.

9. Garnish with Gusto: A sprinkle of pickled radish, a little chopped scallion, or some sesame seeds can add a final touch of color and texture that elevates your dish.

10. Savor the Experience: Remember, making Katsu Curry is more than following a recipe; it's about embracing a culinary tradition. Enjoy the process, the sizzle of the fry, the aroma of the curry, and, of course, the symphony of flavors at the end.

So, armed with these tips and the best ingredients from United Noodles, go forth and create a Katsu Curry that's not just food, but a story on your plate. Bon Appétit!

Katsu Curry Recipe
with United Noodles’ Recommended Brands

Embark on a culinary quest with Katsu Curry, a delightful fusion of crispy breaded cutlets and rich, spiced sauce. United Noodles is your treasure trove for fresh meats, panko, and curry roux, ensuring each bite is a delicious harmony of crunch and comforting warmth. Dive into this beloved comfort dish!


For the Katsu:

For the Curry:


  1. Prepare the Cutlets: Season the cutlets with salt and pepper. Dredge each in flour, dip into the beaten eggs, then coat with panko breadcrumbs, pressing to adhere. Set aside.

  2. Fry the Katsu: Heat a generous amount of vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Fry the breaded cutlets until golden brown and cooked through, about 3-4 minutes per side. Drain on paper towels, then slice into strips.

  3. Make the Curry: In a separate pot, heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Sauté the onions until translucent. Add the carrots and potatoes and cook for a few minutes.

  4. Cook the Curry: Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes.

  5. Add the Curry Roux: Break the curry roux into pieces and add to the pot. Stir until fully dissolved and the sauce thickens. Simmer for another 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Adjust the seasoning as needed.

  6. Assemble and Serve: Place a scoop of rice on each plate. Lay a sliced Katsu cutlet next to the rice and generously ladle the curry over or beside the Katsu. Garnish with pickled radishes if desired.

Enjoy your Katsu Curry, a delightful combination of crispy, savory cutlets and warm, comforting curry that's sure to satisfy any appetite!

Check out some other of our favorite recipe variants:

  1. Just One Cookbook: Katsu Curry カツカレー

  2. Marion's Kitchen: Japanese Chicken Katsu Curry

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